Perfect for newbies
of our students start with no technical background
Course updated in 2024
industry-relevant curriculum built to meet employer expectations
4,500+ employed grads
rating based on Google reviews
QA engineer: Salary
12 500 zł
+22%Increase in remuneration r/y. Source: Nofluffjobs
QA Engineer is in high demand. Every time you use a website or app, you’re benefiting from their work. They test and ensure the quality of software, find and fix bugs, and improve overall performance. They also create test plans and automate testing processes. Impressive, right?
QA engineer
of Mate grads entered the tech field for the first time
What's covered
Podstawy SQL
11 topics
Semantically speaking, SQL closely resembles English, so you are in for a swift acquisition. We'll learn to use it with databases, to group, filter, sort and source data at wish.
Podstawy kursu
2 topics
We want you to join the other modules of the course more prepared. Familiarizing yourself with the theory and completing the following assignments will not only increase your productivity during the course but also, in the long run, enhance your chances of securing a job in a better company with a higher salary
Kontrola jakości
13 topics
During tests best QA engineers can break the unbreakable. Why do they try so hard, when does the testing start why it never ends? Let's figure that out!
Git i Terminal
6 topics
Terminal is one of the main tools of any developer. In this module, you'll explore basic terminal commands, what Git version control is and how to use it.
Git i Terminal - ćwiczenia
1 topic
Pursuing practice is something worth envying. So, without further ado — let's practice Git and Terminal.
Podstawy JavaScript
13 topics
Discover the programming language best suited for beginners. We'll kick off with strings, functions, conditionals, loops, arrays and a few more!
Rozszerzone podstawy JavaScript
11 topics
Let's continue learning Javascript? It's time to look at strings, numbers, and loops from the other side. Oh, and the objects are worth it ... And for the dessert — another portion of tasks for additional practice!
Działanie sieci
6 topics
And now, we will master the basics on our own. After all, every day, you somehow interact with the Internet, but have you thought about how the World Wide Web works? This module will help you understand how our devices interact and exchange data with the Internet and what the Internet is all about.
Testowanie aplikacji sieciowych
3 topics
Why QA should know how the web works? The question that bothered many Greek philosophers (if there were an Internet in their time). In this module, we will learn what is hidden under the layer of GUI in the browser, how QA should work with it, and which tools can help increase the efficiency of testing.
Testowanie mobilne
4 topics
What wakes up most people in the morning and what is the last thing they hold in their hands before going to bed? At the beginning of 00ths the answer wasn't so obvious, but in our days mobile devices everywhere and each of them requires dozens of applications which should be tested. But how?
Praca z infrastrukturą
3 topics
What is a testing environment? Which testing environments exist? How to set up a local server and how to connect to the local DB? Let's try to find out.
Etyka QA
2 topics
Let's discuss questions re QA might constitute an obstacle on your way to a dream job. And while we're at it: we will have a short ted talk on how to communicate with your future co-workers, too!
Zdobywanie pracy
7 topics
In this module, you will prepare your CV, cover letter, and profiles in professional socials. You will train to pass technical and non-technical interviews. Let's go to work!
Zaawansowany JavaScript
17 topics
Is the first step done? Now we will deepen our knowledge and consolidate the basics in practice. Let's learn to work with GitHub. Mentors will provide their first feedback on the code you've written. Let's learn how to make interfaces not only beautiful but also functional! Let's make the first request to the server and much, much more!
Podstawy HTML + CSS
17 topics
It's time for you to get acquainted with the basic structure of HTML and CSS style language.
Testowanie JavaScript
6 topics
Every code has to be tested, and the more code there is, the more test volume there is. Unless we automate it! And we'll happily teach you to do so.
From zero to hired
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Skill level after the course
English Teachers
Education coordinators
Employment coordinators
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Learning is self-paced – you decide when and how many hours you want to dedicate to your studies. Our mentors will evaluate your work and answer your questions. You'll connect with classmates via chat and group video calls. Additionally, you'll receive lifetime access to the course, giving you the freedom to learn on your own terms.
Yes, you can! Our courses are designed to let participants learn at their own pace, with continuous mentor support throughout the program.
Sure! After finishing our course, you'll get a certificate. More than 4,300 of our graduates use it to show their skills on LinkedIn and other social media. But our main focus is helping you find a job, and we'll do everything we can to support you in that.
No, you don’t need math or a technical background to enroll. In fact, 9 out of 10 Mate students come from non-technical backgrounds. Our job is to teach you the skills you need and help you land a job in tech.
To start learning at Mate academy, simply apply, and our representative will get in touch with you shortly to provide more details. You’ll gain access to the course as soon as the payment is completed.
Our courses are open to people of all ages. However, our job guarantee applies only to those who are of working age according to their country’s laws at the time of course completion.
For over 10 years, we’ve been helping people kickstart their tech careers — and we’ve gotten pretty good at it.
Our courses are built around what companies actually want, with tons of hands-on practice to get you job-ready. And you’re never on your own — we’ll guide you every step of the way, from polishing your resume to nailing your interviews.
The best part? 80% of our grads land a tech job just a few months after finishing the course.
If you pay for and complete the course, actively search for a job with our support for 16 weeks, and still don’t receive any job offers, we’ll refund your money.
Graduates of the QA engineer course often land their first jobs in positions such as QA manual testers, QA automation testers, and engineers.