Cost of tuition

How much you pay (and when) depends on the learning format you choose.

Learn more

Mentor support

English lessons

English lessons


Mentor support


Motivation to study

Ai buddy

Help from AI


Study for free, pay 12% of your salary for 3 years after getting hired.

Mono installments
Privat installments


Pay upfront and start learning right away + get lifetime access to the course.

Job-ready learning program

What’s included?

Enroll now

Training that mirrors a real tech job

80% of the learning is hands-on tasks, giving you a chance to feel like part of a tech team.

Training that mirrors a real tech job

Market experts as your mentors

Work on real projects and get feedback from mentors during Q&A sessions.

Market experts as your mentors

Career support after the course

We’ll help with your resume, portfolio, and social media — and create your personalized development plan.

Career support after the course

And more:

  • English lessons
  • Regular tech checks
  • Job database on the platform
  • Jobs from partner companies
  • Gamified learning
  • AI learning assistant
  • Mock interviews
  • Student community
  • Constantly updated curriculum

Our learning model

We invest in every student

Employed graduates4,500+ Mate grads already work in tech


You study for free and only pay for the course after you get a tech job — and only if you get hired.


Get access to the course right after payment. If you don’t get hired, you can get a refund.


Which studying format suits you?

Male with star eyes emoji
Here's a side-by-side look to help you choose the format that suits you best.

Weekdays, 9 am - 6 pm

In your free time

Mentor support
Course materials
Platform features
Pass the admission
Start right after you pay
Study pace

9-6 pm, Mon-Fri

Study online from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday. You’ll attend webinars and do practical tasks. Mentors will help by answering your questions and giving feedback. There are group video calls 4 times a week in the afternoon. Because it's intense, you can’t do the full-time course and work at the same time.

Study at your own pace

Study at your own pace with the support of our mentors. You choose when and how much to study. Mentors will give feedback and answer your questions. You’ll also chat with classmates and join group video calls. Plus, you get lifelong access to the course.
3 months
7 months
Cost of tuition
12% of salary for 3 years
Fixed price for each course

Pay after you get a tech job

Full-time graduates start paying for their education only after getting a job in tech. You’ll pay 12% of your salary for 36 months. If you don’t find a job, you don’t owe us anything.

Get refunded if no tech job

If you finish the course and look for a job with us for 16 weeks without any offers, you can get your money back.
Buy separately

Weekdays, 9 am - 6 pm

Mentor support
Course materials
Platform features
Pass the admission

Study pace

Study online from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday. You’ll attend webinars and do practical tasks. Mentors will help by answering your questions and giving feedback. There are group video calls 4 times a week in the afternoon. Because it's intense, you can’t do the full-time course and work at the same time.
9-6 pm, Mon-Fri
3 months
Cost of tuition
12% of salary for 3 years


Full-time graduates start paying for their education only after getting a job in tech. You’ll pay 12% of your salary for 36 months. If you don’t find a job, you don’t owe us anything.
Pay after you get a tech job

In your free time

Mentor support
Course materials
Platform features
Start right after you pay

Study pace

Study at your own pace with the support of our mentors. You choose when and how much to study. Mentors will give feedback and answer your questions. You’ll also chat with classmates and join group video calls. Plus, you get lifelong access to the course.
Study at your own pace
7 months
Cost of tuition
Fixed price for each course


If you finish the course and look for a job with us for 16 weeks without any offers, you can get your money back.
Get refunded if no tech job
Buy separately

50% of Mate grads find jobs through our partnerships

Tech companies regularly reach out to our partnership team for graduate recommendations.

Image of different emojis


employed grads


companies hired our graduates


mates hired in 2024


employed grads


companies hired our graduates


mates hired in 2024

What’s your format?

Full-time format illustration


  • If you can dedicate all your time to learning

  • Want to kickstart a new profession in 3 months

  • Study for free, pay 12% of your salary for 3 years after getting hired

Flex format illustration


  • If you’re still studying or working full-time

  • Want to kickstart a new profession, at your pace

  • Pay upfront or split it into monthly payments

Free training for veterans

“The least we can do for veterans is help them adapt to civilian life.”

Picture of Roma Apostol (CEO)
Roman ApostolCEO Mate, former Googler
Learn more
Image of a combatants who changed their profession

What if…

I don’t know anything about tech?

Emoji female sad
Emoji male hugging

9 out of 10 Mate students started from scratch. We’ll teach you everything you need — all that matters is your desire and time!

My English is not great?

Emoji male mouth covering
Emoji male like

Don’t worry if your English isn’t perfect yet. With our English course, you’ll start from the basics and confidently reach Intermediate and beyond.

I’m bad at math?

Emoji female thinking
Emoji male happy

That’s not a problem! Tech careers aren’t about complex math — they’re about a mix of logic and creativity (yes, coding too).

Get in touch

Want to learn more?

  • Get answers to all your questions
  • Find what learning format suits you
  • Learn about our exclusive offers


Have some more questions? We have the answers.

  • How to start learning at Mate academy?

    For the full-time course, just send in your application and take the entrance test — a design quiz for UI/UX or a logic test for other tracks. After that, you can book a quick interview with our manager. We’ll chat about your experience, your interest in tech, and whether this format works for you. There’ll also be a few English questions, and, of course, we’ll answer anything you’re curious about.

    For the flexible course, it’s even simpler: submit your application, and we’ll reach out to you. On the call, we’ll walk you through all the details and help you choose the right track. Once you make the payment, you’re good to go and can start learning right away!

  • Do I need math or tech background to enroll?

    No, you don’t need math or a technical background to enroll. In fact, 9 out of 10 Mate students come from non-technical backgrounds. Our job is to teach you the skills you need and help you land a job in tech.

  • Are there any age limits for this course?

    You can apply for the full-time course starting at age 16 with your parents' permission. For the flexible course, you can begin if you’re at least 15 years old.

    The employment guarantee applies if you reach the legal working age in your country by the time you finish the course.

  • How do I choose a career path?

    If you're unsure about which career path to choose, just submit an application for a free consultation.

    Our manager will help you pick the career that best matches your skills and interests.

    Start now
  • Will I get a certificate after the course?

    Yes, of course! Over 4,300 Mate graduates are already using their certificates to showcase their skills on LinkedIn and other social media.

  • How are you so sure that l'll find a job?

    For over 10 years, we’ve been helping people kickstart their tech careers — and we’ve gotten pretty good at it.

    Our courses are built around what companies actually want, with tons of hands-on practice to get you job-ready. And you’re never on your own — we’ll guide you every step of the way, from polishing your resume to nailing your interviews.

    The best part? 80% of our grads land a tech job just a few months after finishing the course.

  • How does money-back guarantee work?

    For full-time graduates, you only start paying for your education after finding a tech job. The payment is 12% of your net salary for 36 months. If you don’t get a job, you pay nothing.

    If you finish the flexible course, actively search for a job with our support for 16 weeks, and don't receive any offers, you can get a full refund.